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Brief History

Taergoria was once a large and flourishing land filled with many diverse creatures and races. Rolling hills, and towering mountains covered most of the north, leading south into dense jungle, vast open plains and murky swamplands; until finally reaching the great sea that surrounded the entirety of the continent. 

Major landmarks of this land include the tallest formation of land any one has ever seen: Mount Guawysvern. This dormant volcano reached so high that it can be seen from anywhere in the kingdoms and is said to be where life started upon this land. 

At the base of Guawysvern lay the jagged granite mountain ranges that lay under the iron rule of the Dwarves and the Drow, who have fought for control of the endless cavernous territories for eons. The lands of these warring factions stretch the entire length of the northern coast, making it impossible to traverse to the seas in the north without going beneath the surface of the earth. In the realm of man, those seas remain untapped, under control to be commercially used only by those who rule the Underdark and its passages. 

South of these mountains are the forest and plains of the elves. This land has been shared with humans for several thousand generations, but the ancient, long-eared men of the woods know it best as home, while all others are simply guests. 

To the west of the elven lands is the realm of man. Lining the coast vast cities were constructed for miles upon miles, humankind spreading rapidly through superior numbers and an unmatched determination to gain whatever it was they desired. 

The southern marshes and coastal regions of Taergoria remain mostly unexplored, littered with desolate landscapes and ruined fortresses of an age forgotten. This land is where most superstitions are born and where it is widely believed that all evil in the land manifest. Nothing of use grows in the massive marshes, and those that venture within it can never travel too far as sustaining one’s hunger is only possible there through massive amounts of supply packing. 


For many thousands of years there was relative peace in the lands. Most factions and races squabbled here and there, starting and ending brief wars with one another until agreements were made or territory taken. The animosity between all the beings of the land ran thick, and relationships teetered on dissolving at a moment’s notice. However, no major fighting ever truly broke out. For those living in the lands of man, bigger threats were always within the backyard; and in bordering the land of the peaceful elves proved to be a comfort for the humans. Dwarves had only indigenous wildlife and rogue beast to worry about inside the mountains while playing a fierce game of tug-o-war with the Drow; so their interest was never turned towards the realm of man. The Drow had major ambitions of their own, but not being able to push past the steadfast Dwarven kingdom; their plans had been halted for the foreseeable future. 

It was only twenty years ago all this would change when stirrings of the entire southern half of the land seemed to rise at once. The undead swarmed in numbers absurd compared to the populations of all surviving factions, and like a black wind of plague, the land of the Elves and the land of Men were reduced to rumble within only a few short years. The surviving kingdoms moved north, barred to traverse any further by the mountain ranges held by the Drow and Dwarves, but they too saw the threat that would not cease its devouring plight upon the world until all was annihilated.


Even the dark-skinned elves, who hated all but themselves were convinced that the world would not survive without the joined efforts of all those who remained, and so; for the first time since the beginning of time, all in the land of human-kin were untied as allies under the coalition. Five more years of fierce defensive fighting around the mountains would see the threat pushed back and ultimately destroyed when the source of the ravenous hordes was assassinated by an elite team that had been put together by the greatest minds of all the factions. 


This war was not without cost, however, as the remaining population of all who survived was meniscal. Enough that one great city was built for relief, and now a majority of each remaining populace and destroyed kingdom all reside behind the same walled mountain top fortress of Meetima Estela. 

Unchanged details outside of the city walls -

Even though the war technically ended when the leader of the undead armies was assassinated there are still many dangers in the war stricken territories that keep the surviving races within the walls of Meetima Estela. Below is a list of the common dangers one traveling would expect to encounter no matter the skill of that individual’s tracking or hunting experience: 

Starvation:---- Due to the undead presence as well as the damage to the lands prey is scarce. Hare, deer, boar, anything that would typically be hunted to sustain one’s self was decimated in the start of the undead plague and still recovering. Due to the still active presence of roaming hordes those prey remaining have adapted even more to staying hidden or getting away. Due to the rot and decay of the masses of undead much of the soil was left tainted and it took time to recover so wild grown edibles are scarce as well. 

Stray Orc War Bands:---- While many of the orcs followed their war chief to the city when the treaty was called many of them refused to live with the other races. This caused several stray orc bands to form outside of the city walls in the wilds of the realm. These war bands are nothing like the one within the city, they are considered far more brutal and feral due to the low intelligence of their leaders. They operate simply, kill it, kidnap it, or eat it. They spend their days hunting one another or something to eat. If they happen upon a traveler with their worg trackers they will either kill them, or enslave them depends on species or sex of their new-found prey. Orc war ban scouts travel with at least one worg and 5 or so orcs at all times due to the dangers in the wilds even their simple minds can comprehend. 


Troll Clans:---- While the other races took the treaty opportunity and moved their remaining numbers into the human built city of Meetima Estela the trolls refused to take their numbers there as well. The troll’s felt with their forces and shamans they could ride out the remaining dangers, though they still remained involved with the city. This upset some of the prouder of the Trolls and caused a break off much like with the orcs. A large number of trolls became nomadic, and began to hunt other races or rather what remained of them, for food. With their deadly shamans, troll giants, and intelligence that orc lack Troll’s are one of the most dangerous things to encounter in the wilds. All travelers found by the nomadic trolls are usually taken prisoner and eventually eaten. 


Frost Giants:---- Forced from their place of living and displaced by the war some may encounter the occasional frost giant. These creatures are encountered when one rests against a well-placed bolder that turns out to be a slumbering giant. Unlike many of the other sub races of giants Frost giants are rather aggressive if they are disturbed and catch strangers within their territory. Those caught by a Frost giant are usually eaten, or at least broken into pieces. 


Undead:---- While the leaders that controlled the undead swarms were killed off there are still undead that remain. Swarms wonder here and there hunting, most are found within major cities or settlements left behind by the war. They are easy to avoid, but If one is taken by surprise by a horde more than likely they will be often taken by the sheer numbers. 


Roaming predators:---- Due to the decrease of prey foods and prey critter normal predators are forced to extend their chose of food. All predator animals within the wilds hunt ANYTHING due to their limit on food. From one another, to orc or troll bands, to travelers that careless lit a fire or made a fresh kill. They say nothing is more dangerous than a creature close to starvation, caution is cast aside and only the desire to eat remains to drive the beast forward. 


Bandit Clans - These are human groups that have formed bandit clans to attack caravans from the newly formed Tura and to catch unsuspecting hunters or adventures that brave the world outside of the last safe city. It is rumored most of these bandits are in fact from the city and choose to hunt in the forests directly outside, however the faction leaders have not confirmed this suspicion. 


Strange "Insects" - A new threat that only recently surfaced there is still little known about what these creatures are. They have been spotted all through the territories and variety in size, shape, and intelligence. What is known about this danger is this: few survive the encounter. The city has put strong restrictions on outside activity and have increased military precence but those that venture out are left to fight for themselves. 

Important Events From The Last IC Year...

Timelines of past events: 
(Links will open separate pages leading to worldanvil. 
Iertu /Spring - First IC Season

Geagist /Summer-Second IC Season

Brirril /Fall- Third IC Season

Nirsad /Winter-Current IC Season
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