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No bleeding!

While we care for your well-being we do not mean that gooey red stuff that comes out of your flesh suit when you abuse it. We mean no bleeding Occ into Rp. This can mean many things from projecting hate or love for someone’s characters based off of your personal opinion, to use of information gained in an out-of-character chat to the benefit of a character in an active story.


No Gossiping,  Bullying, or Slander!

Given the lack of creative writers on IMVU as well as the web these days, we strive to keep an environment for all. With plenty of rooms, active threads, and individualized interactions there are plenty of ways one can avoid someone they might personally dislike if coexisting in a story is not possible. We do allow people to speak their opinions but we do not allow any form of slander toward other authors or role-play communities. If you cannot play nice you will be removed from the realm and your character will be written out of the story.


No content thieves!

This is a big one folks, though it really shouldn’t be. In the past years, we have had to put our original ideas under lock and key for the sake of protecting originality. With only a few guidelines in our role-play the limits are up to the authors in most cases, that being said please have some class. Do not claim someone else’s work as your own, if you need help coming up with some original ideas seek a mod and we can help you brainstorm.


Follow our breakdowns!

Taergoria has a unique storyline and thus our races and their history are tailored specifically. We allow freedom in customization but basic racial traits, abilities, and skills are limited to what we allow. We also have our own restricted magic system; the thread is locked to anyone that has yet to go through our trial period. Any and all magic use must fall within the Paths we have set.

F. A. Q's

When new members join our ranks we tend to have some questions that are often repeated. Due to this, we have chosen to create a FAQ thread. If you have questions that are not listed and answered please ask away.


Q. What races are allowed? 

A. We allow many races from DnD and Pathfinder, however, each race is specifically tailored to our realms history. Most details will be different than what is "normal" so please see our race detail page for more on each. So far within our story, authors can have characters from the following races: 





Elf (subtypes will be listed)







After the trial period, players can also use: 






Cursed Races (includes Vampire and Lycan types) 



Q. Can I make up my own race? 

A. No, at this time we are not accepting new races into our realm. After some time with us, an Author may get the chance to help us create a new playable race but to preserve the story of the world races are restricted to what we have listed.


Q. What Era does the realm allow?

A. Within Taergoria we wanted to allow as many influences as we could be laced throughout the races while remaining medieval fantasy-based at the core. We allow influence from real-world medieval periods from the 5th to 15th centuries from all over the world. While allowing details from these centuries to influence author's we would like to ask that they avoid referencing realistic events or icons as well as not use a character from actual history within the realm. These eras within the realm are separated by regions rather than segments of time. Much like our races, the modern definitions are twisted for the use of realm-tailored storytelling. If an Author has questions on a specific era's influence they can speak with a realm mod. 


Q. What Religions are allowed?

A. Currently, within the realm, there are a few set religions that are directed mostly toward individual races. Just like with the influence of Era we allow the authors to take religious influence from wherever they please including modern culture as long as it is altered for Taergoria in a mod-approved manner. If the religion is not typically followed within the realm or if it is made up the Author may be asked to write up a brief summary for the character bio for reference. 


*Religious choice does not mean that is what is true within the realm. Taergoria does have its own "creation" in religion that will be within the world for authors to explore in character. 


*Divine Intervention/ use of the god or its followers is not allowed. Religion is merely a belief, not a boon. -This does not mean a character cannot THINK their magic is due to a god's blessing. 


Q. Can the author come up with their own clan and or family name? 

A. Yes. Within reason, we allow players to come up with clan or family names and suggest within the RP that they are well known. However, the special clan cannot have any special powers and you cannot have an army from other lands following you about. 


Q. Can the author create a weapon inspired by a video game/anime for their character? 

A. No. We like to encourage creativity, this is why our races often have traits that are not common in “normal” lore. Because of this, we do not allow copycats of anime/book/tv characters. Now, this does not mean you cannot be creative with your weapons and make them up, within the realm of logical possibility ofcourse.


Q. Can the author's character have a pet? 

A. Yes. But again within reason. We allow the use of NPC companions controlled by a player for more lively interactions. However, the pet in question must be allowed within the realm and must not be all mighty powerful. The character will be responsible for the feeding and care icly and the pet is subject to the same dangers a normal character would be. Examples of allowed companions: Owls, snakes, ravens, dogs. Examples of not allowed companions: Dragons, rock giants, made up creations 


Q. Can the author include NPCs with their character? 

A. Yes. Once cleared with a realm moderator we do allow players to add in a few NPC characters that can be siblings, friends, or significant others to the player's character. The NPC is treated as a character, bios are required and the character must follow our rules. The NPC characters cannot use magic paths (unless preapproved); those are restricted to only the main characters. Please note we do have a limit on how many NPCs can be used for a player (2 at the most preferred), and NPC characters can be killed. No one is safe. 


Q. Must the character be from known lands? 

A. Yes, but there is much undiscovered within the realm after the Undead plague. Authors must contact a mod for in-depth aid in developing a compatible backstory for their character. (No teleportation/ time travel/ space travel)


Q. Can the character be a Prince/King/Queen/Princess? 

A. Sure! However, visiting royalty will have zero rights within the mainland. Meaning the character can be a prince, but he will have no pull or rule. In fact, the title might just mark him for robbery or kidnapping! (Again, no NPC armies are allowed) 


Q. Are there material restrictions? 

A. In a manner of speaking yes. An example would be an author is able to make up their own metal or use one they know of as long as the metal or material is explained with the “realistic” field. Meaning the item cannot be indestructible, or it could not be forged. It must be pliable, found within the realm, and available to any players that might want to use it. It must also be broken down within the bio of the character, explain what the material is, how it is gathered and forged, and its weakness and strengths. All created materials must be run by the realm mods for verification. Herbs/potions are the same in this sense, as long as they are explained properly a player can make them up as they wish. -No potions that regrow limbs/cure death/treat untreatable wounds.


Q. Can the author make up their own magic path for their character?  

A. No. Any and all magic must be from the magic system (copyright protected!). However, the way we designed our magic each path can have many uses and the author still has a large amount of creative freedom on how and what they use. 


Q. Must a character start out as an Initiate in magic?  

A. Yes. Any and all new members MUST start off at the first level of their chosen tree. More information on the magic paths including limits to how many and more in-depth explanations can be found in the Magic thread after the trial period. NOTE- at this time magic use is restricted for active players that have passed the trial period. All new characters must start out with NO magic use. After a set amount of time, a player can have their character pick a path with mod approval. Time may vary depending on the player and how active they are Iccly. When the time comes a Realm mod will host a special "Quest" for the targeted character to start their magical experience. 


Q. Why is (-insert complaint here-)  

A. Why? Simple, because we realm mods, as one group, have decided whatever it is that was suggested is not best for the realm at this time. We do have much to read, the realm is restricted in lore, magic, and races, but we all have fun without worrying about demi-god vampires killing our characters by sneezing. We do not force role-play with us, we do not want to hear why authors think it sucks that we do not allow a favorite race or magic preferences "Like others". For those that are willing to tweak their preferences great RP is to be had here. 


Q. Why are the forums inaccessible?  

A. Due to high volumes of content theft on IMVU and untruthful authors, we have created a password-protected location for our storyline scenes and character information to be logged by our core members. The Forums are for authors that have earned our trust and respect through activity in our IMVU rooms. Please do not ask to be invited, IMVU group page invites will be available to all from the start and when the mods think you are ready to join the deeper story we will reach out to you and see if you are interested in the forum story progression as well. Role-play does not only occur on the forum, we still host events and sessions for general members on the IMVU client and sometimes through the IMVU group page.  


Have any questions not listed here? Just ask one of our mods VIA IMVU client or Discord.


Realm Mods: 

TalesofTaergoria AkA Sei (Owner) 

NeceronVersayeth AkA Nec(Co-Owner) 

Creidh AkA Cre

Reikaminami AkA Rei 

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